The impact of Air Pollution on the Health of the Human Body, Animals, and Plants | Waste Solution

We know that air pollution does not only result in an adverse effect on the environment but also the health of living things in it. Following we will expose the impact of air pollution on human health, animals, and plants.

The impact of Air Pollution on the Health of the Human Body, Animals, and Plants.

Health Disorders

A decent air quality must be available to support the creation of public health.  The standard of the air contaminant limits quantitatively arranged in standard air quality ambient and quality raw emissions.
Various air pollutants can cause health problems for humans and other living things, among others:

1. Carbon monoxide (CO)
Inhaled carbon monoxide gas can react with hemoglobin in the red blood cells transport oxygen so blocking much-needed body. Effects caused include dizziness, headache, nausea, unconsciousness, brain damage, and death. Gas CO. who inhaled can also have an impact on the skin and cause long-term problems in vision.

2. Sulfur oxides, Nitrogen oxides, and Ozone
Gaseous sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, and ozone in low concentrations can cause irritation of the eyes and respiratory tract disorders. Inhaling the gas in the third time long enough can cause chronic respiratory disorders such as bronchitis, asthma, and Anfisa. These diseases are generally characterized by difficulty breathing due to damage respiratory organs.

These gases can also aggravate respiratory disorders that are being suffered by someone. Sulfur oxides and ozone can harm plant life because are toxic to plants. Pollutants SOx had an impact on humans and animals at concentrations much higher than needed to damage the plants. Damage to the plant occurs at concentrations of 0.5 ppm.

Oxides of nitrogen have two kinds of form i.e. NO and NO2. Research on the activity of the second mortality the component shows NO2 four times more toxic than NO, but No ambient air concentrations in a normal NO. can oxidize the NO2 into more toxic especially to the lungs.

Most ozone photochemical oxidants can cause irritation to the eyes. Contact with ozone at concentrations of 1.0 to 3.0 ppm for 2 hours can lead to dizziness and loss of coordination in some people who are sensitive. Contact with ozone at concentrations of about 3.0 ppm for some time resulting in pulmonary edema in most people.

3. Particulate Matter
Particulate matter in the area of the factory, building construction, and mining of coal-dust-like powder, cotton, quartz powder, and asbestos fibers, can cause lung disease. The severity of the disease may vary, ranging from inflammation to the formation of tumors of the lung.

In general, the air which has been polluted by particles can cause many kinds of diseases of respiratory tract or pneumoconiosis. Pneumoconiosis is a disease of the respiratory tract caused by the presence of particles (dust) into or deposited in the lungs. Ultrafine particles less than 5 microns is stuck in the upper respiratory tract, particles measuring 3 to 5 microns will be held in the central part of the respiratory tract, while ultrafine particles 1 to 3 microns will enter into the airbags the lungs were then attached to the alveoli.  Particles less than one micron would join out while my breath exhaled.

Some of the many types of pneumoconiosis disease found in the area are areas and technologies include:
1) Silicosis
Silicosis caused by dust pollution free silica, SiO2 which sucked getting into the lungs, then settles with an incubation period of around 2 to 4 years.  Silicosis disease characterized by shortness of breath accompanied by a cough, often not accompanied by phlegm.  If silicosis is already heavy, shortness of breath will be more severe, then followed with a right heart hypertrophy will result in failure of the heart's work.
2) Asbestosis
The disease asbestosis caused by dust or asbestos fibers, i.e. mixtures of various silicates are primarily magnesium silicate.  Symptoms that are exhibited in the form of shortness of breath and cough with phlegm.  Examination of sputum will show the presence of asbestos dust in the Dahal.  Fingertips sufferer will seem enlarged or dilated.
3) Byssinosis
Byssinosis is a disease of pneumoconiosis caused by the cotton fibers.  Time of his incubation which is about 5 years old, with signs of the early form of shortness of breath and feels the weight on the chest.  On byssinosis advanced or severe, usually followed by chronic bronchitis disease and may also be accompanied by emphysema.
4) Anthracosis
Anthracosis is a disease of the respiratory tract caused by coal dust.  The incubation period of between 2 to 4 years.  Because in the dust of coal dust, there is sometimes a silicate, anthracosis disease is also often accompanied by a so-called silicosis disease silico anthracosis.
There are three kinds of anthracosis diseases, namely:
* Anthracosis pure
* Silico anthracosis
* Tuber colo silico anthracosis
5) Berylliosis
Berylliosis caused by metallic dust, either in the form of pure metals, oxides, sulfates, as well as in the form of halogenida.  Metal dust can cause nasopharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonitis, and symptoms marked with a slight fever, dry cough and shortness of breath.
Berylliosis many illnesses arising in the use of metal industry workers mixed the beryllium, copper, zinc, manganese, on factory workers, factory manufacture of fluorescent tube radios, and processing of materials supporting the nuclear industry, with an incubation period of 5 of the year.
Berylliosis disease characterized by symptoms of fatigue decreased weight and shortness of breath. Another particulate material that may harm health is the lead.  Lead is highly toxic (toxic) and can accumulate in the body, as well as attack various systems of the body, such as the digestive system and the nervous system, heart and kidney function.
Children are more vulnerable to the effects of lead than adults.  Lead can cause mental retardation in children.  The results showed that lead can cause health problems in animals.

4. The Cigarette Smoke
Cigarette smoke contains various hazardous substances such as benzo-α-pyrene and formaldehyde that could potentially give rise to various diseases such as respiratory disorders, heart disease, and lung cancer.

5. Substances Cause Cancer

Cancer-causing substances, among others, chloroform, para-dichlorobenzene, tetrachloroethylene, trichloroethane, and radioactive.  These substances are generally a type of air pollutants indoors.

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